Monday, July 1, 2013

Brain Cancer

Everyone fears the word cancer. However most types of cancers can be beaten, if you catch it up soon enough, and even if you don't there are new treatments coming out by the minute everyday that will help you fight and successfully beat cancer. There are however some types of cancers that are more complex in nature than others, brain cancer is the one we're speaking of and the one we will be focusing on.

Two types of known brain cancer exist, namely: Primary brain cancer (these generally initiate in the brain), Primary brain cancer almost never moves to any other part of the body, so death is brought on by uncontrollable tumor growth within the brain cavity. Then you get metastatic brain cancer or otherwise known as secondary brain cancer (this type of cancer originates in other parts of the body and get transported or should we say it migrates to the brain thus causing the person to circum to secondary brain cancer.

In some cases the patient will not know they have brain cancer until its too late, so know what symptoms to look out for is vital when it comes to any type tumor or cancer.

However, before we go there, let's take a look at the know causes of brain cancer. The main known cause of brain cancer is the continuous contact with vinyl chloride. Then there are things like pipes, car parts, furniture, wire coatings, and other house wares that contain a substance called carcinogen. Patients who suffer from a long standing battle with melanoma, colon cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, and lung cancer are all at risk of being or getting secondary brain cancer.

If you think that you might have brain cancer here are some things to look out for, be sure to do a check regularly and please get yourself to a doctor for a detailed check at least once every three months (or as directed by your doctor). A brain tumor has the tendency to obstruct the flow or the brains cerebral fluids, or cerebrosinal fluid (this have the devastating result of the buildup hydrocephalus and can thus increase intercranial pressure, which leads to vomiting, nausea and sever headaches.

Brain cancer also leads to impaired judgment, memory loss, reduced mind capacity, vision loss; sever behavior changes, swelling of the optic nerve and impaired smell sense. If you suffer from any of these get yourself to a trained doctor immediately.

Darren Dunner is the author of this article on Brain Cancer. Currently writing on , Visit today for more information on the subject.


What You Need to Know About Brain Cancer

Malignant brain tumors occur in about 4.5 people per 100,000 population, they may occur at any age but brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in patients younger than age 35. In adults, incidence is generally highest between ages 40 to 60.
There are two main types of brain cancer. Primary cancers start in the brain. Metastatic cancers start somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. The most common tumor types in adults are gliomas and meningiomas. In children, incidence is generally highest before age 1 and again between ages 2 and 12. The most common types of brain tumour in children are astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, ependymomas and brain stem gliomas.

What causes brain carcinomas is not exactly known but there has recently been a great deal of speculation on the role of cell phone radiation in the development of cancer. In fact, while studies generally have shown no link between cell phones and brain cancer, there is some conflicting scientific evidence that may be worth additional study, according to the FDA.
More accepted risk factors include; exposure to vinyl chloride and individuals with risk factors such as having a job in an oil refinery, as a chemist, embalmer, or rubber industry worker show higher rates of brain cancer. Other risk factors such as smoking, radiation exposure, and viral infection (HIV) have been suggested but not proven to cause tumors. Patients with a history of melanoma, lung, breast, colon, or kidney cancer are at risk for secondary brain cancer.

Onset of symptoms is usually insidious and brain tumors are often misdiagnosed. The Cancers cause central nervous system changes by invading and destroying tissues and by secondary effects such as pressure on the brain. Symptoms vary but in general, symptoms include: Abnormal pulse and breathing rates, deep, dull headaches that recur often and persist without relief for long periods of time, difficulty walking or speaking, dizziness, eyesight problems including double vision, seizures, vomiting and at the late stages of the disorder dramatic changes in blood pressure may occur. Although headaches are often a symptom, it is important to remember that most headaches are due to less serious conditions such as migraine or tension, not cancer.

In most cases a definitive diagnosis is made by a tissue biopsy. Other diagnostic tools include; patient history, a neurologic assessment, skull x-rays, a brain scan, CT scan, MRI, a lumbar puncture and cerebral angiography. Meningiomas, arising from the covering around the brain or spinal cord, account for about 20% of brain cancers and are generally more benign.

How to treat brain tumors depends on the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, the type and location of the tumor, and whether the cancer is a primary tumor or metastases. Brain cancer are somewhat unique because of the blood brain barrier, which severely restricts the types of substances in the bloodstream that are allowed by the body into the brain and makes drug treatment extremely difficult. Because of this more and more research is being undertaken in delivering medication by means of nanoparticles, amongst the properties of nanoparticles that make them ideal candidates for recognizing and treating tumors, their ability to deliver a wide variety of payloads across the blood-brain barrier is perhaps the most important.
The cancer's location and ability to spread quickly makes treatment with surgery or radiation like fighting an enemy hiding out among minefields and caves, and explains why the term brain cancer is all too often associated with the word inoperable.
Brain cancer survival statistics for the deadliest of tumors such as gliomas have not improved significantly over the past two decades and the clinical armamentarium is, to a large extent, still dependent on surgery and radiation therapy, treatments known to leave survivors with devastating cognitive deficits. Gamma knife surgery is a radiosurgery technique used to treat people with brain cancer and other neurological disorders
The most deadly forms may be treatable with a vaccine that uses proteins. Unlike measles or mumps vaccines, which are meant to prevent disease, the vaccine turns on the patient's own immune system so it will help kill the tumor. When the vaccine is injected, it stimulates the immune system to kill off brain cancer cells and prevent the regrowth of tumors that have already been treated.

The chances of surviving for a person with a brain tumor: Prognosis greatly depends on all of the following: type of tumor extent of the disease size and location of the tumor presence or absence of metastasis the tumor's response to therapy, age, overall health, and medical history, tolerance of specific medications, procedures, or therapies. Metastatic brain cancer indicates advanced disease and has a poor prognosis. Unfortunately, the most common form of primary brain cancer, glioblastoma, is also the most aggressive and lethal but teratomas and other germ cell tumors although they have the capacity to grow very large may have a more favorable prognosis.

Dick Aronson has a background of over 35 years in various facets of the Healthcare industry. He now runs health sites, including

Brain Cancer Symptoms

Brain cancer accounts for about 1.4% of all cancer cases and about 2.4% of all cancer deaths. This may not seems like a lot but don't let the numbers fool you on the severity of brain cancer. Once the cancer turns malignant, the tumors grow aggressively and overpower the healthy cells taking up their space, blood and nutrients. This is an area of grave concern because the brain is the most important part of your body and controls everything. Whenever there is something wrong with your brain, it affects the entire body. Knowing what the brain cancer symptoms are and able to recognize these symptoms is incredibly important for our prognosis and survival from this deadly disease.

The biggest problem with brain cancer and brain tumors is that their symptoms are often nonspecific making it is very difficult to know if you have it or not, unless you are seriously looking for it. The most common symptoms of brain cancer are headaches, general weaknesses, difficulty in walking, clumsiness and seizures. Other more serious symptoms include difficulty with speech, abnormal vision, nausea, vomiting, quick emotional changes, and an altered mental state. An altered mental state can include changes in concentration, memory, intellectual capacity, attention and alertness.

Several different factors can cause these symptoms. Some of these symptoms are caused by the tumor pressing on different parts of the brain and impairing them from functioning properly. The symptoms can also be caused by the swelling of the brain, the tumor or the area around the tumor. Unfortunately, these brain cancer symptoms usually develop very slowly and gradually over time and this makes it really difficult for anyone to confirm the existence of this deadly disease. For instance, people often think that a headache is just a headache or that the dizziness felt is due to any other reasons except cancer. If these symptoms occur frequently and very rapidly, you should definitely visit your doctor to see what the problem is.

The doctors will often make you take a CT scan if they feel you have brain cancer. A CT scan is like an x-ray except in shows the brain in three-dimensions. A harmless dye is usually injected into your bloodstream to make abnormalities more visible in the CT scan. Other tests include blood tests, liver tests, urine tests and blood coagulation profiles. MRI scans are sometimes used instead of CT scans. The reason for this is because MRI has a better ability to assess the changes in a tumor.

Brain cancer is an incredibly serious form of cancer and it is important for us to know what these brain cancer symptoms are so that we can take necessary action to arrest the situation early. If you suspect you are suffering or are suffering from these symptoms, please consult your doctor early to ascertain your actual medical condition. If brain cancer is confirmed, discuss with your doctor for an appropriate course of treatment best suited for you. An early intervention increases your chances for an early recovery and a prolonged survival.

Lester Lee is the webmaster of, an informative website that provides the latest advice, info and updates on Brain Cancer Symptoms. Visit our site today for more helpful info on Brain Cancer Symptoms and other similar topics.

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Brain Cancer Survival Rate

Brain Cancer Survival Rate: Brain tumor is basically characterized by the abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The brain tumors occur in the brain in two different ways - some tumors spread from a cancer affected part of the body to the brain, while some other tumors start their growth in the brain itself. Given below are the major symptoms of brain tumor.

Changes in personality are also observed in people suffering from brain tumor.

Over exposure to certain harmful chemicals can lead to brain tumor.

The brain tumor survival rates depend on various factors, such as the location of the brain tumor, the size and type of the brain tumor, stage of the brain tumor and whether the patient is suffering from any other ailment. The brain tumor survival rates are around eighty percent for those suffering from oligodendroglioma brain cancer.

Brain cancer remains one of the most incurable forms of cancer, with an average survival period of one to two years.

Factors Affecting Survival

Several factors can influence the five-year survival rate of cancer patients. These include the size of the tumor, its location in the brain, the type and severity of the cancer, the stage of the cancer and the overall health of the patient.

How Survival Rates are Calculated

Survival statistics are based on large numbers of people, and should not be used to predict the survival of an individual patient.

Age and Survival

A patient's age has much to do with how long he will survive with brain cancer, as the odds decrease with age. According to, children to the age of 14 have a 73 percent chance of surviving five years, while the rate drops to 55 percent for young adults between 15 and 44. Middle-aged patients between 45 and 64 have a 16 percent survival rate, and the elderly have a survival rate of only 5 percent.

Other Facts

Despite the gloomy statistics, it has been shown that a combination of radiation treatment and chemotherapy can lengthen the life of brain cancer survivors, and in some cases, even improve the quality of life, while patients who forgo treatment do not live as long.

The Brain Cancer presented here are based on the relative survival rate. The overall 5-year relative brain cancer survival rate for 1995-2001 was 33.3 percent.

The 5-year relative survival rates for brain cancer by race and sex were as follows:

• 32.1 percent for Caucasian men

• 33.5 percent for Caucasian women

• 37.7 percent for African-American men

• 37.5 percent for African-American women.

Stage Four Brain Cancer Survival Rate Statistics reveals that mental stress and negative emotional is responsible for around 85% of physical disorders.

Negative Emotional And Cancer has No Direct Relation

There is no such direct connection of negative emotional and cancer, but it has been proven that negative emotional experiences and mental stress weakens the immunity system. How Negative Emotional Experiences Effect your Body?

After becoming a cancer patient, the quantity of stress and negative emotion increases automatically. The negative emotional experiences interrupt the energy flow in human body.

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This technique can be used for all types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer, Bone cancer, braincancer, cervical cancer and stomach cancer.

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

What is Brain Cancer?

Brain cancer is a serious medical condition that is often referred to by medical professionals as "Meningioma" and also as "Glioma". When an individual has this type of cancer, it means that there are abnormal cells growing in and/or around the brain. This form of cancer may develop from the brain cells that are considered to be primary, but it could develop from cells that are specific to certain locations in and around the brain.
These regions include the membranes and even the small blood vessels within or around the brain. There are types of cancer that result from cells that spread from other regions in the body - such as organs. In this brain health guide, you will learn about details pertaining to brain cancer.
What is a Brain Tumor?
When an individual has brain cancer, it indicates that they also have a brain tumor. The abnormal cell growth that indicates brain cancer is referred to as a tumor. Tumors, while abnormal, are not always cancerous. Those that are simple growths and are not cancerous are identified as "Benign". Tumors that are found to possess cells that are cancerous are identified as "Malignant".
If these tumors are identified in the brain or the area surrounding the brain, they are considered to be quite serious and even have the potential to be life-threatening. This is mostly due to the fact that the cancer contained within these tumors has the capability of spreading in a rapid fashion. Tumors are further identified as "Primary" and "Secondary" among medical professionals.
The Cause
There are many theories on why brain cancer develops, but there is no one specific cause that has been identified. Scientists and medical researchers are still conducting tests and researching the onset of brain cancer in order to better understand it.
The tumors that are identified as "Primary" are believed to be a result of abnormal cell growth in the actual tissues of the brain, while the "Secondary" tumors appear to result from abnormal cell growths from other locations of the body and then travel through the bloodstream until they reach the brain. The other theories surrounding the development of brain cancer identify the following as risk factors:
• Many seem to have a genetic predisposition towards developing brain cancer when someone in the family had the condition in the past.

• Certain individuals are at a higher risk for developing this condition due to the fact that they work in certain professions, such as those that are professional embalmers and those that work in refineries for oil production.

• Radiation exposure or overexposure may result in brain cancer.

• Smoking has been established as a common risk factor of developing this form of cancer.

• There are many theories that are considered a bit unusual, yet are being investigated to determine if they result in brain cancer. These theories include the use of sweeteners that are artificial, cell phone use, consistent computer exposure, head traumas, and even consuming foods that are processed and/or heated in a microwave.
If you are concerned that you or a loved has this cancer, it is important to make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible. Many cases of brain cancer may be resolved immediately if they are caught early enough. Even if there is no way to treat the cancer, there are treatments that will soothe the symptoms associated with cancer.

Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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Friday, June 28, 2013

Computer Cleanup

Optimize, Speed Up & Fix Errors !

WiseFixer™ is an excellent Windows registry cleaner. Running this product on a scheduled basis, will result in a stable system and using it will greatly enhance system performance. The scan technology helps the user quickly identify errors and invalid entries that cause the computer to slow, freeze or crash. The product provides a set of tools to repair Windows registry problems, safely and securely speed up computer performance, and optimize system settings.
  • Instantly Fix Your Computer Errors by automatically diagnosing and fixing various system errors with intelligent WiseFixer error knowledge base. 
  • Dramatically Speed Up Your Computer and Internet by fixing all issues slowing down your computer and internet and fine-tuning your system setting to maximum performance.
  •  Protect Your Internet Security and Privacy by tuning-up your computer security strategy to close backdoor that can be hijacked by virus, Trojan, and spyware.

Scan Clear
Are you annoyed with the poor performance of your computer?
WiseFixer™ will help identify and fix Windows’ invalid registry entries. By running Scan Clear as part of scheduled maintenance, it will keep your PC from freezing and frequent crashes . Using it will reduce the probability of you getting a "blue screen".

System Optimize

A set of tools is designed to provide the user’s computer system with better optimization, which helps you manage startup items, desktop, browser objects, Internet, system service, Windows optimization, file extensions and so on. With these sophisticated utilities your system is tuned up to run at the optimal state.

IE Tools

Includes Internet BHO (Browser Helper Objects) manager and IE restorer, which detects and removes harmful BHO or malicious plug-ins restoring Internet Explorer to a ‘healthy’ performing state.

System Fix

A Toolkit designed to scan, diagnose and your operating system. Using it results in better optimization, manages startup and desktop, assists you with maintaining browser objects, internet options, system service, and repairs file extensions. With this arsenal of powerful, sophisticated utilities your system is tuned to run at its optimal state. Included are Easy Repair Wizard, Error Utilities, File Association fixer, Register ActiveX, Shortcuts Fixer, Winsock2 Repair toolkit and more.

System Tools

This set of bonus System Tools includes 4 useful and effective utilities to enhance the usability and performance of your PC.


WiseFixer provides you with Registry Backup, System Backup, Favorites Backup and Folder Backup. In addition, the new built-in function of Restore Point enables you to create a system store point so you can recover your system to a previous state if you do not like the changes you have made. This ensures the safety of your system when you run the registry repair process.